RHS College & Career Center
College & Career Planning
Applying to college requires filling out a lot of papers. This can be tedious, but it is crucial that you take your time to do it correctly and thoughtfully.
Some colleges have their own, specialized applications -- you will be able to print one off their website or have one sent to you. However, many colleges use a "common application," meaning you can fill out one application and use it at multiple colleges. Obviously, this saves time.
If you plan to attend a school in Texas, you can fill out the Apply Texas Application (formerly known as the Texas Common Application) online. You will need to create a username and password (one you can remember) in order to log in and update your application.
The Common Application is used by nearly 500 colleges/universities across the United States (and some overseas). You will need to create a username and password (one you can remember) in order to log in and update your application. You will also need to know your academic advisor's name and contact information since the CommonApp emails counselors to supply required information to complete your application.
Application deadlines vary for every college, so you should check college websites to be sure you get your application in on time. Many schools have two deadlines: one for early decision admission and one for regular admission.
*** BISD Common Application is Open.***
Scholarships are free money awarded to qualified students based usually on academic merit or some special skill.
Local Scholarships, as the name suggests, are scholarships provided by local businesses or organizations. Seniors who will graduate in May 2025 will begin the local scholarship process December 2024. This is moving online! Click here to begin.
Non-Local Scholarships come from a variety of places and people; they are available to seniors and to underclassmen.
The following websites are also good sources of scholarships:
www.fafsa.ed.gov (info on scholarships & financial aid)
www.goingmerry.com (one place for students to find and apply to scholarships online, absolutely free)
www.raise.me (earn micro-scholarships as early as 9th grade and discover the path to the best college for you)
2024-2025 Local Scholarship Database
Opportunities for scholarships are also available to undocumented students.
FinAid -- The Smart Student Guide to Financial Aide has a section to help answer questions that undocumented students may have as they search for financial support for college. www.finaid.org/otheraid/undocumented.phtml
Another resource is the Hispanic Scholarship Fund: www.hsf.net
College Visits
Junior and senior students are allowed 2 absences for college visits per year. Appropriate procedures must be followed. A student must submit to the appropriate assistant principal 7 days prior to the visit a form requesting a college visit.
In order for the student to be approved to go on a college visit, the student must meet the following criteria.
The student may not have any truancy charges for the current school year.
The student must be classified as a junior or senior based on credits.
The student has not already taken 2 college visits during the current school year.
The college visit may not be taken during the time of required state assessments.
The student must provide proof of the college visit to the assistant principal within 2 school days following the college visit. Acceptable documentation of the college visit shall be verification of the visit on college letterhead. Failure to provide this signed form and proof of the college visit will result in the absence being marked as unexcused. It is the student’s responsibility to make up assignments.
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Visit us in Room 1024
(located inside the Counselor's Office)