Apply Online
Specific jobs are posted under Job Opportunities. You may apply for as many specific jobs as you wish, but your one application will suffice for them all.
A completed application must be submitted before you will be considered for an interview. You may begin completing the application, but you need to be sure to click the "Finish and Submit" button when you are through. You may also come back and update your application at any time. Your application will remain active for one year from the date you submit it or the date of the last revision. You will receive a notice before it is made inactive so you may extend its activity.
Job Categories
Administrative examples include directors, principals and assistant principals.
Professional examples include teachers and counselors.
Para-Professional examples include instructional assistants, administrative assistants, secretarial/clerical and support staff.
Auxiliary examples include bus drivers, bus aides, school nutrition workers and custodial worker.
For any questions or assistance, contact the Bryan ISD Human Resources office at 979-209-1084.